
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

"Assembly + 1 dad required!"

"It should say assembly plus 1 dad required!" says Lynn.

My best half.
My husband for 30 years.
My faithful assembly guy.

Over those 30 years Lynn has assembled, put together, constructed, fixed, handcrafted and given new life to so many things from:

  • assembling baby cribs, underground sprinkler systems and a 200+ piece grill (no instructions included)
  • putting together trikes, bikes, dollhouses, tents-with missing poles and hamster (escape) cages 
  • constructing garden fences, swing sets, kennels and expanding bunny houses
  • fixing empty gas tanks, broken hearts with pet funerals/burials and fixing a too talkative stuffed Barney 
  • handcrafting furniture, an intricate trellis and the fastest pinewood derby cars  
  • giving new life to 3 great kids and by adopting 'many not wanted kitties' plus other assorted pets

Lynn really has given his life to assemble, put together, construct, fix and handcraft his family in love. This week he has been assembling again...lots of college apartment furniture for our 18 year old daughter Cassidy as she gets ready to move out for college. A few fun girls days shopping for college furniture resulted in many boxes stamped with 'Assembly Required'.  Lynn's comment was, " It should say...Assembly plus 1 dad required!"

As I watch him assemble one more phase of our life, I realized how much love goes into assembling family, marriage and life. It all does require assembly and it's a blessing to have a dad that knows how to do it!

Makes me think of how sweet it is to know our Heavenly Father assembles our lives in love too. Take a look back over the years to see how much love God has put into assembling our lives by...putting together our families, constructing our homes, fixing our problems, handcrafting our God given gifts, talents and purposes and giving us life-physical and spiritual. Assembly and 1 Heavenly Father sure is required in every phase of our lives.

"...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion..." Phil. 1:6

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"It was 96 until I ate that apple pie."

"It was 96 until I ate that apple pie," says Ruth.

My 'getting ready to be 80' mom.
My great model of a giving heart.
My reason to be in a heart surgery waiting room today.

Those of you that know her would mom has a very generous heart that's quite unique and very one-of-a-kind. All she loves to do, she will do with all her heart for you. From soup and fried chicken to flowers and sewing to ironing and praying.

She really prays and irons. And..she irons everything...even sheets & dish cloths. I have to say there's nothing like sleeping in freshly ironed sheets..esp if you didn't iron them. (I have to pray to iron.) Mom just has a big heart that works really hard at loving us in her unique way.

Today her aging hard working heart is getting some needed medical attention. (She did well.)

As the doctor questioned her about her medical history, mom was her usual talkative self giving the answers and then some. After a number of humorous and often too much info answers, this doctor became wise.  He asked her, "What is your blood sugar?" Her answer was, "It was 96 until I ate that apple pie." Before she could even begin to give him the pie recipe, he quickly responded with, "The important question is...was the apple pie good?"

Often we can miss tasting the pie in life...we miss the little blessings..the good that God does for us when life is hard. In the mean time, life wears us down and sometimes wears us out.

My important question to you is, "What good thing is God doing for you in the middle of your tough times?
"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him." Psalm  34:8

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

"This is a no knocking house."

"This is a no knocking house," says Lincoln. 
He is almost 5 years old but tucked inside his well chosen words are years and years of life. 

My great nephew. 
My niece - Natalie's son. 
My Monday morning play date. 

Usually each Monday I pick up Lincoln and his 3 year old sister Emma. Emma goes to my parent's house where she does girly stuff with my mom. While they do that, Lincoln gets to hang out with me. 

This past Monday, we arrived at Gramma Marshmallow's house (that's another story for later). I pulled into the garage and spent like what seemed to be eternity to undo Emma's 'adult proof' car seat. In the mean time, Lincoln was in the process of quickly unclicking his 'not-so adult proof ' booster seat. On my final unclick of Emma's seat, she bounced out of the car and right through Gramma's door singing, "I'm here Gramma Marshmallow, I'm here!" 

I say, "Wow! "She is so excited to be here ...she just ran right inside."  Lincoln simply says, "That's because this is a no knocking house." That was a new one to me...What is a no knocking house? I couldn't wait for this explanation. 

Later he tells me that they have knocking houses and no knocking houses. And that everyone needs to have some no knocking houses. Those are the ones where you don't need a key and you know it is okay to go right in because someone inside can't wait to see you!  He listed off his no knocking houses. Made me smile when he included me on his no knocking house list. I know how much my mom enjoys Emma's visits and Lincoln always makes my day.

Who is on your no knocking house list? Who can't wait to see you or hear from you today? Thank God for your no knocking houses. They are one of His many ways He loves us as we love others. 
 "...When we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us." 
1 John 4:12

Friday, July 5, 2013

Halfway & In Between - The BEST Place to be!

Kalamazoo, MI.

Never thought I would live here.  It really is in between and halfway to Detroit and Chicago. That's where I between and halfway in life. As a parent, I have two kids in college and another recently married...but  I am not to that grandparent half-yet. I have retired from many years of Dental Hygiene and being a Bible Study Teacher/Leader.  Just celebrated 30 years of marriage. I'm halfway to being 100 in 2061 and even still have at least half of my original parts.

So...Here I Am...In between and halfway in life.
      And...Here You Are with me.
                     Where we go...only God knows.
                              And I know...God never does anything halfway!

Welcome to JoStory...the other half of me.