
Monday, January 6, 2014

"Be still!"

"Be still!" said Winter Storm 'Polar Vortex' 2014

Winter Storm 'Polar Vortex' 2014.

2-3 ft of snow so far.
-30 below plus temps.
Kalamazoo is snowed in big time.

My favorite day is snow day. 
Because a good winter storm always says, "Be Still!"

Be still ...empty shelves cleared of groceries.
Be still ...closed schools, churches and businesses.
Be still ...cancelled events and activities.
Be still ...snowed in homes filled with families and pets.
Snow days allow us to just be enjoy the gift of time with family and to appreciate the beauty and power of winter at its best. 

We get to stay home and be still together.
There is time to talk, play games and shovel snow.
Time to do puzzles, watch movies and shovel snow.
Time to read books, catch up on chores and shovel snow.
Time to enjoy a fire, take a nap and shovel snow.

Time to make soup, shovel snow and.... favorite just be still and watch it snow. 
While the snow decorates the outside, 
God decorates my inside with time to relax and enjoy his best gifts to me.
How do you ... or... how would you enjoy a snow day?

"Be still and know I am God."
Psalm 46:10